Saturday, January 23, 2010

I Luv Lu, Gaga!

Watching a child learn to speak is such an amazing thing. It truly is mind boggling to me how they go from not being able to utter a single sound except for a squeal at the inception of life to talking in sentences by the age of two.

Harper has really started to chat up a storm in the last few weeks. She's 21 months old and knows what she wants...she is very opinionated and is constantly squealing "mine" at the top of her lungs. Guess she's almost 2, huh?

My heart melted when her jumbled words that sounded something like "hulabaloo" (gig 'em ags) turned into "I luv lu, mama". Ahhh, that is priceless when you hear that for the first time as a parent. There is nothing more authentic and genuine than a child's innoncence and absolute love for his/her parent. I could have just eaten her up when she said that with her eyes as big as quarters, smiling from ear to ear, dimples as big as ever.

So that I don't forget where she is right now in her life, the following is a list of translations for her most favorite words of the moment:

Gaga/Gagi= Graden
Glanny= Granny
cuk= cook (she loves her new kitchen she got for Christmas)
poo= pool
baff= bath
bully= bunny (her constant companion)
boppy= paci/pacifier (her other constant companion that we can't seem to get rid of!)
picku= pickle
pway= play
pees owt= peace out
lala= water

I'm sure there is much more to add to the list, but this is what comes to me off the top of my head. More to come...

Harper's 18 month stats...3 months later

Again, where does the time go? I stink at this blogging stuff, but I am determined to get the milestones documented even if it's months later.

Little one turned 18 months on November 1st. She's a little were her stats way back when. She's changed so much since then!

Weight: 23 lbs. (25%)
Length: 32.25 inches (55 %)

She started walking around 16 months, so she took her sweet time getting there, but you would never know that now.

Talking...another slow process, but she is picking up speed big time now at almost 21 months. A list of her 18 month vocabulary follows...

mama, dada, hi, bye-bye...okay forget it...I'm blank. My memory is not cooperating! I think I'll focus on the present. More to come on our chatty girl.