Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Harper

Hard to believe, but our little baby girl is 9 months old. Harper had her 9 month check-up last week and is growing and changing every day. Here's the lowdown:

18 lbs. 6 oz. (45th percentile)
28 inches long (65th percentile)
Head circumference: 45 cm (75th percentile)

Her fave's:

Favorite food: turkey dogs and mac-n-cheese
Favorite toy: mommy's jewelry
Favorite hobby: laughing at her brother
Favorite song: Patty Cake
Best buds: Laila and Simon
New tricks: contortions of all sorts, getting on her knees ready to crawl, pulling up half-way, screaming like a giddy little school girl, playing patty cake, waving for fun
Current vocabulary: mama, dada, nana, baba...none of which are discriminate
Teeth: 2 on the bottom have been there since she was 7 months, and the 2 on top are rearing their ugly little heads

Harper is the happiest baby...such a joy in every way. She has the cutest little dimples that she inherited from her Nana. Her disposition is so chill and she really only gets upset when she's hungry, tired, snotty, or getting these darn teeth! She loves to be around Graden. Her face lights up ever time she sees him and I just hope that will always be the case...I know, wishful thinking, huh?

She's so chatty and wants so badly to talk to us. She loves to read books and take baths with her brother. She smiles pretty much on a constant basis and I hope that she never loses this innocent joy and love for life! What a blessing she is in our lives!